Introducing Our New International Foundation Programmes

Our International Foundation Programmes (IFPs) offer an excellent opportunity to fully prepare for UK undergraduate study, studying alongside other international students under the guidance of our expert staff who are experienced in helping international students in this important transition.

From October 2020, the IFPs on offer at the Pathway College is expanding. From new subject pathways to gradual assessments, here’s 5 reasons to be excited by our new IFPs.

1. More choice

Firstly, the number of pathways are increasing. We now have subject-specific IFPs in:

  • Applied Science
  • Computing
  • Humanities and Social Science

This is in addition to our current pathways in:

  • Art, Design and Media
  • Business (now Business and Law)
  • Engineering

The new subject-specific pathways provide a route into many more of Northumbria’s undergraduate degrees than before.

In fact, the addition of these 3 pathways means our IFP can progress you onto almost all of the undergraduate degrees available at Northumbria University. Visit our target degrees page for a full list of progression options available.

Science, Computing and Humanities are huge subject areas that offer exciting opportunities to develop expertise in areas such as Forensic Science, Artificial Intelligence or International Relations.

2. Simplified progression

Due to updates to the module content and assessment that continually tests and improves your English and academic skills throughout the programme, the entry requirements for your target degree is to successfully complete the IFP with a pass mark of 40% in all modules.

There is no need for a higher English or academic mark and no requirement for subject specific qualifications. The single pass mark of the IFP covers this.

Also, the use of portfolios in the assessment methods means you have a ready-made portfolio for entry on those target degree programmes that once required them. This is common on many art and design degrees.

3. Gradual assessments

We know it’s important for international students to have enough time to settle into UK university life. Not just academically, but socially – moving to a new country is a big, but exciting, step.

With this in mind, our assessments are gradual throughout but held more towards the end of the module. This allows you to get familiar with the learning and teaching style.

4. Start from a lower IELTS

Students with IELTS from 4.5 (with no single element below 4.0 and from a UKVI Approved centre) can study on the new IFPs. Your IELTS level will determine how long your programme lasts:

  • IELTS 4.5? You will study the 12-month IFP that includes 2 terms of additional English support
  • IELTS 5.0? You will study the 9-month IFP that includes 1 term of additional English support

As well as the additional English language support you receive on a longer programme, you also have more time to fully adjust to studying and living here in the UK.

5. More start dates

Our new IFPs have start dates in October, January and July. This means no more waiting, you can start your IFP at a time that suits you.

As explained above, your IELTS will determine when your programme begins:

  • IELTS 4.5? You can start in October or July. If you start in July you will have a summer break before starting your undergraduate degree.
  • IELTS 5.0? You can start in October or January. If you start in October you will have a summer break before starting your undergraduate degree.

Please visit the International Foundation page for more information or visit the course pages below:

Alternatively, enquire now to speak with a representative to discuss your options.


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