How to be a Healthy Student in Newcastle

University is a moment that marks a shift from adolescence to adulthood. For many, it is their first time living away from home, fending for themselves, and managing their own social and academic calendars. And, for our pathway students, in particular, it is an opportunity to come to the UK, fulfill their potential and realise their dreams.

For students to maintain their physical and emotional well-being, it’s important that they learn to balance all the various demands of student life. Here are our top tips for a healthy (and happy) week.

Day 1 – “Start as you mean to go on”

The phrase “Start as you mean to go on” is particularly fitting in higher education. Beginning with a focused day will help put you in good mood for the rest of the week. Have a healthy (and cost-effective) breakfast of Weetabix and banana and treat yourself to a coffee on campus to lift your spirits.

The nearby Eldon Garden Shopping Centre has many food shops for you to stock up on healthy foods with a Tesco Express at 27 Percy Street. For great Asian food there is HiYoU Supermarket at 108 Newgate St, just 4 minutes walk away. The ideal place to get some vegetable stir-fry ingredients.

Make a to-do list of any assignment deadlines and set reasonable study goals for yourself over the course of the week. If you overload yourself you’ll get tired too quickly. Resist the urge to go out late in the evening as you will be tired the next day – which does not make for a very productive academic week. Instead, a cinema outing, meal with friends or group gym session are all good ways to be sociable without jeopardising your work.

Day 2 – Do some exercise

 Look for a yoga class in your area. Yoga is a wonderful way to unwind and silence all those thoughts in your head. Meditating like this is wonderful for your mental health and a great way to start your morning.

Purejiva is a yoga studio just 7 minutes walk from campus and offers £10 drop-in and also class packages making it an affordable option.

Do you play a sport? If not, the university is definitely the time to try new things. Being part of a team will not only help you make friends, but it will also keep you fit and boost your mood. Go for a run or a swim to keep your stamina up.

If you’d like to do something both active and sociable then a Parkrun could be perfect for you. Join other runners on a 5k jog in lovely surroundings. Check the Newcastle Parkrun website for full details.

Day 3

Want to give something back to the community? Thinking about other people forces you out of your own thoughts and can give you a better perspective on your situation. Make time today for some sort of philanthropic action. Take a look at Volunteer Centre Newcastle or The People’s Kitchen for ways you can help others who are really in need.

Day 4

It can be easy to slip into the nightly pizza and pasta student routine. But these foods lack the nutrients you need to meet all the hectic demands of college life. Stir-fries with plenty of vegetables can be a healthy alternative. Try not to have meat every night. Incorporate oily fish, fruit, and vegetables into your diet. Cooking for yourself means you can also bring the leftovers to campus for lunch – which saves money. Try making a classic omelette. It’s high in protein and wonderfully easy to make, you can add vegetables to it too.

Day 5

Make sure you set some time aside for socialising. Whether that’s eating, drinking, and/or dancing. Make sure you never walk home alone and always take care of yourself and your friends. A popular pub local to the campus is the Trillians Rock Bar which is always a unique and fun night out, even if you don’t drink.

Day 6

Everyone needs a break. So, take it easy today. But that doesn’t mean lying in bed all day or lounging on the couch watching Friends repeats. Get out and get some fresh air. Meet up with your pals. And, if you’re feeling up to it, why not catch up on some coursework in a more relaxed environment? One of the best places for a long walk in Newcastle is along The River Tyne. The invigorating river air will refresh and rejuvenate you. Or if you’d prefer to do something different then try one of our recommended day trips.

Day 7

Start today with a workout session and then get ready for the week ahead. You can take advantage of the fantastic sports and exercise facilities available to you on campus. Northumbria Sport is part of a £30 million state-of-the-art sports facility that we have invested in. As a student at Northumbria University, you are able to use these high-quality gym facilities for a discounted rate.

We are also ranked in the top 5 universities in the UK for sport. All our sports are accessible and a great way for you to meet new friends while you are at university. You never know you might uncover a passion for a new sport like Gaelic Football or even Quidditch! See the full list of sports available.

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