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Rebecca Yunusa Walker

Rebecca Yunusa Walker


Position: EAP Lecturer and Module Leader Professional Development Planning
Email address: r.y.walker@northumbria.ac.uk
Qualifications: PhD in Applied Linguistics, MA English Language and Linguistics, BA English Language, Post Gradate Diploma in Education (PGDE), Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
Introduction about yourself (100 words or so):

Rebecca Joined QA in June 2024 as an Associate Lecturer and in December of the same year started her role as an EAP Lecturer and Module Leader. Rebecca’s academic career began in 2013 as an EAP Lecturer in Nigeria then she moved to the UK for her doctorate. She’s worked as a Linguistics Graduate Assistant at Newcastle University, ESOL Lecturer at Hartlepool College of FE, ALS Lecturer at Northumbria University Language Centre, Study Skills Lecturer at Global Banking School in Manchester, and Pre-sessional EAP Lecturer at INTO Newcastle University. Rebecca’s research interests are in Second Language Acquisition with focus on orthographic influence on phonological acquisition, ESL and Bilingualism.


Interests/hobbies: Singing and Cooking


  • Musa, R.I. (2018). Alternation of the Velar Phonemes of the Tera Language. International Journal of English Language and Linguistics Research Vol.6, No 1, pp. 22-30, P a g e 2 | 5
  • Musa, R.I., (2017). Production and perception of L2 English orthographic and phonological representations by L1 Tera/Hausa speakers: an experimental study (Doctoral dissertation, Newcastle University) http://hdl.handle.net/10443/4023
  • Young-Scholten, M., Naeb, R., Ritchie, Y., & Musa, R (2018). European speakers of other languages: Teaching adults immigrants and training their teachers. A compendium of module content. UK: Newcastle University
  • Musa, R.I. & Altakhaineh, A. (2015). An Application of Optimality Theory (OT) on Syllable Structure within Reduplication in Hausa Spoken in Kano. International Journal of English Language and Linguistics Research Vol.3, No.1, pp.37-49.
  • Alqahtani, M. & Musa, R. (2015). Vowel Epenthesis in Arabic Loanwords in Hausa. International Journal of Linguistics. Vol. 7, No. 2 pp. 62-80
  • Musa, R.I. (In prep). The effect of L2 English orthographic representations on L1 Tera speakers’ production and perception.
  • Musa, R. and Cao, X. (In Prep). The initial state: Tera register tonal speakers’ perception of Mandarin Lexical tones.
  • Walker, R.Y. and Ugwuanyi K. (In Prep). ‘I do not need ALS because English is my second language’ Perception of some international students studying in a UK University.

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