Meet Our Students

Soad Lajud

Soad Lajud


International Foundation Programme – Art, Design and Media

Why did you choose to study at Northumbria University?

I always knew I wanted to study in the UK and I heard that Northumbria University was a good place to go as it’s not that expensive and there’s a lot to do here.

What course are you studying?

I am currently doing Media and Journalism and this course has been great because it’s half theory and half practical which is brilliant as when you compare this programme to what other universities offer, it’s mainly theory. Before studying this programme I was doing a foundation course, but once I finished it, I decided I wanted to stay here.

How would you say the foundation programme helped you?

The foundation programme really helped me with my English and other academic aspects such as referencing and summarising. I’ve learnt to use words that I wouldn’t normally use. You do get more comfortable with the English language and the foundation programme does help.

Even now in my first year, I am still using all the stuff I learnt from my foundation year.

What do you hope to do with your qualification once you finish university?

I want to be an Environmental Journalist. I’m still not sure whether I would like to stay here or go home, but I am sure that the qualifications I gain from here will benefit me back home as it’s not common to have these sort of qualifications in Colombia. If I do stay here then I would like to start building a portfolio to showcase my talent so that when I do apply for jobs, it’s not just me showing my qualification but the work I’ve done also.

What impact would you say the university has had on you personally?

I feel like Northumbria University has changed me as a person. Everyone here is so kind and friendly so it makes you become warmer towards everyone too. I also now see things differently and have become more understanding.

Would you recommend Northumbria University? If so, why?

I would definitely recommend Northumbria University because I think the courses are good. This campus is really nice and you get to enjoy the university life. The people here make the environment by being so friendly and making you feel welcome. It’s easy to make friends too as the university hosts a lot different activities you can get stuck into which is great if you’re quite a shy person and looking to meet new people.

The lecturers are also really friendly and helpful; they stay in touch with you and are always there to help you when you need it. They don’t just throw things at you and expect you to get them done on your own.

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